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Writer's pictureShannon Shipp

Mystic Monday AUG 5

Mystic Monday

What up Gangstas?

This week we have Mercury going retrograde 😝 and despite that, it feels like we are moving forward. Although we are moving forward, there is a lot of obstacles in our way whether it be our own mind or actual mishaps. It’s all about the way that you perceive things and the way you consciously create your reality when the mishaps happen. What does that mean?

Are you being led by your triggers or are you being led by your conscious creation?

The way you handle retrograde and the mishaps will show you if you are learning your lessons or if you are repeating a karmic cycle.

Many of you will be having people from the past come back, but also a lot of dreams that will help you identify mindset that are holding you back. So when you have these dreams of the past, are you resolving them? How do you feel about them when you wake up? This is an insight to your subconscious triggers that need to be healed.

Sometimes the way the soul resolves things is through the astral or our dream state.

Allow yourself to gain insight and resolution from these dreams that are happening

One of the ways that you can really handle, the mishaps is to become grounded in your knowing and trust yourself through this time of introspection.

Are you acting out of ego or are you acting out of love? There’s only two ways. You cannot simultaneously act out of love and ego. I urge you to ask yourself when you go to respond or react to a situation is love or ego. And I promise you you’ll be surprised by when you choose love.

This week the way you can overcome stress is to take time for yourself. Take time to heal. You may have a lot of introspection a lot of ideas and that’s great but it’s not time to act on these. Get a journal write things down revise things review things process things, but don’t act.

❌ Personal Readings are Available, BUT I will not reach out to you. BOOK on my website❌

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