⚓️ Mystic Monday ⚓️
What up Gangstas?
As we approach Eclipse Season (April 8th) the energy is beginning to intensify. Eclipses usually bring fated events, good or bad,
This week the energy I’m picking up that there is a lot of karma being played out. Your personal karma will dictate how your time during eclipse season goes. It's important for you to clean up your act if needed.
People or old situations could pop up from the past. Old mindsets of belief systems coming into the picture also. How you speak to yourself and others is important.
This could be your own mental mindset about how you feel about your life and situation you’ve went through in the past. have you learned your lesson?
Have you changed your Ways?
Soon you will find out and so will the people around you. Get yourself straight before you’re caught off guard.